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Visiting us

So glad you're considering a visit!  We would love to meet you.  Our services are all designed to be easy to follow for a newcomer and require no advanced preparation.  This blurb is simply provided as an encouragement to you to make worshipping in a new place as comfortable as possible.

Our three Sunday morning services, our Thursday morning Bible study, and our once a month contemplative service are quite different from one another.  You can find descriptions of them if you go to the "about us" tab and from the drop-down menu click on "worship".  The language, ritual and music (or lack of accompaniment) of each service create a unique worship experience, and we encourage you to visit each to get a full sense of our worship and community life.  Please note we go to two Sunday morning services during July and August.

All of our Sunday worship services are come-as-you-are.  You will find many people in blue jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and other casual attire.  Some people choose to dress a little more formally, but they are usually in the minority (unless you come for a wedding or funeral!).

If you attend on a Sunday morning, we usually share in something called the "Eucharist" or "communion".  Eucharist is from an ancient Greek word meaning "thanksgiving".  The Eucharist is a ritual meal of bread and wine representing the body and blood of Christ who lived, died and was resurrected so that we might share in eternal life.  We share in the Eucharistic meal as an expression of our thanksgiving to Christ and an act of fellowship with one another .  All baptised Christians are welcome to share in the Eucharist, if so desired.  If you would like to come to the front with those receiving the bread and wine, but would rather receive a blessing, simply cross your arms on your chest and the communion minister will pray for you.  Many people, even regular attenders, do this when they have a cold or for whatever reason prefer not to receive at that time.  If you do choose to receive, our practice is to consume the bread before receiving the wine (rather than dipping the bread in the wine).

After each of our services, the minister usually greets people at the back of the church.  Please take the opportunity to say "hi" and introduce yourself.  There is often also an opportunity to share in a cup of coffee and a cookie after the service if you have time to stick around for a bit.

Hope to see you soon!

Link: What we believe and do

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